The Beginning...

Someone once said it takes a strong man to ask for help.  Asking for help, or *even worse* admitting I need help is not something that comes easy to me.  So today I took a very big step on the path to re-inventing myself.  I decided to return to Simply for Life

I've been a client before and let me tell you, I've not been one of their many success stories.  But I guess you have to hit rock bottom (listen to me, full of quotes and sayings today) before you can pull yourself back up.  So goodbye January and unhealthy lifestyle...I'm starting something new in February which will hopefully result in a whole new, and healthier me - and if I start to look and feel good in my jeans again - well, that'll just be the cherry on top!

But wait, I'm not done - February brings on another big challenge - my friend and I have signed up for a February LOAD (Lay Out A Day) which is being hosted by our local scrapbook store (A Pile of Scrap)...28 days means I SHOULD have 28 scrapbooking layouts completed by the time March 01 rolls around.  Woohoo!  We get our first challenge at around 11pm tonight.  Bring.It.On

Tell me, what's new in your life?


So I mentioned in my first post that I'm into a lot of crafts.  One of them is scrapbooking and, as anyone who scraps can tell you:  it requires a lot of stuff and it ain't cheap!

But somewhere along the way, I went from being a casual, fairly regular scrapbooker to a collector of scrapbooking supplies (in fact, I haven't done a single page since May 2010).  I'm not sure how it happened, I guess I got busy, and just never really sat down to do stuff was a mess, all disorganized and scattered everywhere.  But hubby bought me a Cricut Expression for Christmas and so now I REALLY need to get back into it.

When we got back from Christmas holidays, I was on a mission to get the craft room in order (this happens every so often, but I never seem to actually finish).  I had been talking about doing an album for friends of ours (they eloped last summer and we were their witnesses so we had a two week vacation together!).  Once the craft room was organized, I started sorting through some vacation pictures and getting them organized.  I was feeling pretty good about my progress and was actually getting close to being ready to print pictures.  But that's really about as far into the future as I was planning. 

Last night I was flipping through a book I've had for quite a while (Clean and Simple Scrapbooking - The Sequel by Cathy Zielske, 2006) - and I gotta tell ya, I am feeling BEYOND.INSPIRED!  My desire to scrapbook is back.

Like I said, I've had the book for years, and I've looked through it plenty of times before.  But last night, something just clicked - I found myself studying and admiring each layout and just wanting to re-create them all!  Seriously - if you don't have this book, you should check it out (it's available over at Amazon).  I love her approach, the layouts are all so simple and are never overdone.

I definitely think I'll be creating again in the very near future...and I have something fun planned for February...stay tuned!



I'm a 34 year old Canadian.  My husband and I have been married for five years, no kids (...yet).  We bought our first home a little over six years ago and we've been renovating it ever since!

I've created this little home on the internet as a place to share my thoughts and ideas...I love reading blogs and so of course it was only a matter of time before I decided to create my own!

What kinds of things do I plan to write about on this blog?

+  Crafty Ideas and Inspiration
+  Recipes
+  Weight Loss Tips - as I fight my own battle of the bulge
+  Home Renovation Projects

Thanks for stopping by!

Mrs. Stiles

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