Steady as she goes....

Wow - January is going by soooo quickly...only a week and it'll be is about the time when some people start giving up on their resolutions, but for the most part, I'm doing pretty good.

Healthier Lifestyle...
So, uhm, no progress here yet and this is really the resolution that I NEED the most.  I haven't been to the gym yet, but I'm still hopefully to get back into this habit.  I miss that great feeling after a work out, but it's more than just that - I need to do this!  I really dread getting dressed in the morning.

Meal Planning...
My plan for more suppers is going pretty well (if you don't count the overcooked pizza tonight!).  Not perfect, but there's definitely a lot more suppers coming out of my kitchen than ever before.

Organized Home...
This is probably the resolution I'm making the most progress on so far.  Last weekend, I completely decluttered our dining room. 

Then on Sunday we spent the whole day in the basement (we've got an older home, so that means dirt floors throughout most of the basement).  We pulled out stuff that's been down there since before we moved in - we don't really use the basement for storage, so we pulled everything out.  Recycled what we could and the garbage man must have been shocked when he pulled up this morning - 6 huge garbage bags when we usually only ever have one.  Feels good to see so much progress.

Cleaner Home...
It really is easier to keep things clean when there isn't so much clutter in the way.  This is an ongoing battle, but I didn't ever expect to reach all my resolutions in the first month!

Tell me - how are you making out with your resolutions?

Hello 2012!

Happy 2012!!!

A new year, a fresh's time to plan for the future and make changes...

Healthier Lifestyle...
Here's to spending more time at the gym and less time at McDonald's!

Meal Planning...
I am the worst when it comes to meal preparation, we come home from work every night and I never have anything ready. We had a yankee swap exchange at work before Christmas and I scored a meal planner - perfect!

Organized Home...
Our entry way too often becomes the dumping ground for everything that comes into the house. If people stop in by unexpectedly, I'm often embarrassed because of the clutter everywhere. But no more, I aim to keep our home tidy and organized.

Cleaner Home...
I figure once it's not so cluttered up with stuff, it'll be easier to keep it clean too!

Whew, looks like I've got my work cut out for me...I'll keep you updated on my progress.

Happy New Year everyone!

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