
Well hello there!

Wow, it's been a LONG week!!! And when I say long, I mean LOOOONNNGGGG...

I barely slept at all last night, so I had a hard time getting up this morning. Add to that a hectic day at work, and you're left with a girl more than ready for a lazy Saturday (actually, better make that a lazy Sunday, since I've got a breakfast date at 8:30am, followed by an outing with my besties and then hubby and I are heading out a town for the day around 11ish).

I had a couple of errands to run after work so I got home around 7pm. By 8pm, I was totally ready for bed. By 9pm, I surrendered and headed to, it's almost midnight and I'm downstairs in the dark WIDE AWAKE. Not cool!

I was going to write about something completely different when I sat down, but I just couldn't find the words. Maybe they'll come to me some other time.

Hope you all have a super duper weekend!

Mrs. Stiles

Resolution Update...

Hi Folks,

Happy October! I cannot believe how quickly the year has been flying by. Next weekend is Thanksgiving here in Canada - yeah for a LONG WEEKEND!

Thought I would give you a mini-resolution update:

Healthier Lifestyle...
I joined Weight Watchers in June and have lost ~12lbs since then. Actually I was down 12lbs at about mid-August and I've just been floundering since then.

I got a new iPhone so that I could make use of their app, but that habit has been slow catching on.

My goal is to be down a total of 30lbs by Christmas. Time to stop spinning my wheels!

Organized Home...
In Septermber, we participated in a huge community yardsale. The subdivision where my aunt & uncle live has an annual yard sale, so hubby and I gathered up our wares and headed to their house bright and early to set up and unload our clutter onto others.

I did some major prep work for this yard sale: two weekends of digging through rooms and two vacation day resulted in lots of stuff for sale.

Check out one of my fave new blogs for some inspiration:

So, now tell me, what's new with you?

Mrs. Stiles

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