
Well hello there!

Wow, it's been a LONG week!!! And when I say long, I mean LOOOONNNGGGG...

I barely slept at all last night, so I had a hard time getting up this morning. Add to that a hectic day at work, and you're left with a girl more than ready for a lazy Saturday (actually, better make that a lazy Sunday, since I've got a breakfast date at 8:30am, followed by an outing with my besties and then hubby and I are heading out a town for the day around 11ish).

I had a couple of errands to run after work so I got home around 7pm. By 8pm, I was totally ready for bed. By 9pm, I surrendered and headed to, it's almost midnight and I'm downstairs in the dark WIDE AWAKE. Not cool!

I was going to write about something completely different when I sat down, but I just couldn't find the words. Maybe they'll come to me some other time.

Hope you all have a super duper weekend!

Mrs. Stiles

Resolution Update...

Hi Folks,

Happy October! I cannot believe how quickly the year has been flying by. Next weekend is Thanksgiving here in Canada - yeah for a LONG WEEKEND!

Thought I would give you a mini-resolution update:

Healthier Lifestyle...
I joined Weight Watchers in June and have lost ~12lbs since then. Actually I was down 12lbs at about mid-August and I've just been floundering since then.

I got a new iPhone so that I could make use of their app, but that habit has been slow catching on.

My goal is to be down a total of 30lbs by Christmas. Time to stop spinning my wheels!

Organized Home...
In Septermber, we participated in a huge community yardsale. The subdivision where my aunt & uncle live has an annual yard sale, so hubby and I gathered up our wares and headed to their house bright and early to set up and unload our clutter onto others.

I did some major prep work for this yard sale: two weekends of digging through rooms and two vacation day resulted in lots of stuff for sale.

Check out one of my fave new blogs for some inspiration:

So, now tell me, what's new with you?

Mrs. Stiles


Hi! Wow, I cannot believe it's been almost 4 months since I last posted. The worst part is that I don't even have a one good reason, time has just been screaming by. I read blogs almost every day, but that's as far as I get.

I would LOVE to start blogging daily - my favourite blogs are those that are updated daily. I especially love the ones with weekly features (like The Pleated Poppy's 'What I Wore Wednesday'). A new goal for me is to work up to linking up with her WIWW posts.

I joined Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago, so I'm finally making some progress on my Healthier Lifestyle resolution.

And we've been working on some projects around the house, so I'll be sharing those soon.

Well, that's what's new with me. What's new with you?

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Hoppy Easter Everyone!!! Hope you're all enjoying the long weekend, wherever you are. :o)

We're enjoying a four day weekend - and it couldn't come at a better time. Work has been crazy busy over the past couple of weeks so it's feeling very decadent to have so much time to just relax.

No Spring weather here though, it has not stopped snowing all day! Hard to believe that it was in the high 20s just a couple of weeks ago! Mother Nature is all over the map...

But being stuck in the house isn't so bad, there's been a Big Bang Theory marathon on for most of the weekend - which I love even though I've never missed an episode. I've also been making some jewelry. I have made so many new pieces this weekend, it's crazy (stay tuned for pics tomorrow!).

Right now I'm watching Win a Date with Tad Hamilton.....he is so dreamy!!!

Tomorrow I suppose I'll have to put my jewelry making supplies away and do some house work!

All Hail Suzie Homemaker...

A couple of Saturdays ago, while cleaning out a closet, I came across some sweaters that were in such bad shape that I would have felt guilty about donating them to charity!

I tried to salvage them using an electronic lint remover but it really didn't work well. So I figured since they were destined for the trash can anyway, it wouldn't hurt to see what a razor would do.

A time consuming task, for sure, and my back was sore from leaning over the ironing table for so long - but the results were well worth it. My sweaters looks brand new!

The photos don't even do it justice...and yes, I really did collect the link so that I could take photos!

Have a great day!
Mrs. Stiles

It's March...eeek...

Hello!!!!  Happy March!

So here we are, already a week into the third month of the year....wanna guess how many times I've been to the gym?


Yup, you guessed it - NONE!!!

I always have good intentions to go (heck, my gym bag is in the truck!) and yet I'm always SOOO tired that I never make it.  I can't get my lazy butt out of bed in the morning to go before work, and by the time my work day ends, I'm pooped and just want to come home.  So, I'm a chronic couch potato - I don't go to the gym because I have no energy and I have no energy because I'm not doing anything physical...

Since it's been a while since I've posted, here are some quick updates:

Heating Update....
We have a new heatpump, a new electrical panel, and a new mast on the house....and a huge bill to pay!  Everyone says it takes about 10 yrs for the heat pump to pay for itself, but seeing as how we'd only planned to stay in this house for another 3 yrs, that's not much solace.  But we're warm and what's done is done so I'm trying not to obsess about it too much.

And the rest of my resolutions...
Things are going pretty well, only one room is a source of shame (craft room/office where the floor is once again missing), and we had tacos for supper...

And since I always like when people post photos on their blogs, I'll leave you with one of my this skirt!

California Dreamin'...

Yup, that's me....dreaming of California, Florida, or anywhere else that's warm these days.  Why?  Because our furnace up and died on us!  So now it's January/February, and we're trying to survive a Canadian winter WITH. NO. HEAT!!! 

It started to smell on the weekend, it's an oil furnace and the entire house smelled like oil when it would turn on (take my word for it, it's foul - not to mention dangerous).  My husband called the company who maintain our furnace on Monday and they came that evening.  The verdict:  not safe to use, not sure how much to repair.  He called us Tuesday morning with an ASTRONIMICAL repair quote - almost the price of a new furnace. 

So we figured if we had to spend that much to fix it AND our oil tank is due to be replaced (more $$), then maybe it makes sense to evaluate our options - and quickly cause, you know, it's cold here!

Jump forward to today (Wednesday) two with no heat.  We had someone come in to evaluate our home this afternoon and tell us what our options are - not a cheery or long list.  We opted to go with a heat pump - much more efficient and also provides cooling in the summer.  We're happy with the choice (if you can really call it that), but this surprise expense has us bummed (we're talking > $15k, just to give you an idea).

So I'll be adding a new 2012 Resolution to the list:  Start finding ways to reduce expenses!!!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cuddle with my honey to try and stay warm!

Steady as she goes....

Wow - January is going by soooo quickly...only a week and it'll be is about the time when some people start giving up on their resolutions, but for the most part, I'm doing pretty good.

Healthier Lifestyle...
So, uhm, no progress here yet and this is really the resolution that I NEED the most.  I haven't been to the gym yet, but I'm still hopefully to get back into this habit.  I miss that great feeling after a work out, but it's more than just that - I need to do this!  I really dread getting dressed in the morning.

Meal Planning...
My plan for more suppers is going pretty well (if you don't count the overcooked pizza tonight!).  Not perfect, but there's definitely a lot more suppers coming out of my kitchen than ever before.

Organized Home...
This is probably the resolution I'm making the most progress on so far.  Last weekend, I completely decluttered our dining room. 

Then on Sunday we spent the whole day in the basement (we've got an older home, so that means dirt floors throughout most of the basement).  We pulled out stuff that's been down there since before we moved in - we don't really use the basement for storage, so we pulled everything out.  Recycled what we could and the garbage man must have been shocked when he pulled up this morning - 6 huge garbage bags when we usually only ever have one.  Feels good to see so much progress.

Cleaner Home...
It really is easier to keep things clean when there isn't so much clutter in the way.  This is an ongoing battle, but I didn't ever expect to reach all my resolutions in the first month!

Tell me - how are you making out with your resolutions?

Hello 2012!

Happy 2012!!!

A new year, a fresh's time to plan for the future and make changes...

Healthier Lifestyle...
Here's to spending more time at the gym and less time at McDonald's!

Meal Planning...
I am the worst when it comes to meal preparation, we come home from work every night and I never have anything ready. We had a yankee swap exchange at work before Christmas and I scored a meal planner - perfect!

Organized Home...
Our entry way too often becomes the dumping ground for everything that comes into the house. If people stop in by unexpectedly, I'm often embarrassed because of the clutter everywhere. But no more, I aim to keep our home tidy and organized.

Cleaner Home...
I figure once it's not so cluttered up with stuff, it'll be easier to keep it clean too!

Whew, looks like I've got my work cut out for me...I'll keep you updated on my progress.

Happy New Year everyone!

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