Failure and starting over...

Hi Friends!

If you've been reading this blog, you may remember that I joined Weight Watchers last summer. It has been an uphill battle, to say the least. Discouraged, I have not been great about making it to meetings. A month or more had gone by since my last weigh in and I knew it was going to be a bad one.

My first instinct is always to stay away until I manage to get back on track - but let's be honest: if I could do it on my own, I wouldn't need Weight Watchers at all, now would I?!? So yesterday morning I mustered up all my courage and went in. The results were heartbreaking - as I knew they would be. But you know what, I'm glad I went. The lady who weighed me was VERY supportive. I even got a Bravo sticker for being brave enough to show up!!! I promised her I would be back next week and that's a promise I intend to keep.

So here's to a fresh start - I am SOOOO tired of feeling like a failure. I have no energy or confidence. It's time to set some goals for positive change and see them through!

Mrs. Stiles

Where I've Been...

On December 04th, the day started out like any other. I kissed my husband goodbye and left for work. His truck was making a noise so I was taking it to the dealership for service on my way to work.

Less than 10 minutes later, as I'm nearing the top of a hill, I hit an icy spot and the ass-end of the truck started to swerve. I did my best to get it back under control and keep it on the road - but it just kept swerving all over the place. I thank God there were no other cars around.

It felt like it went on forever but it was probably seconds. The next thing I know, the ass-end of the truck is coming all the way around and I know I'm done.

I don't remember much after that.

The only memory I have is knowing the truck was going to smash into the ditch and putting my hand up to shield my face. That instinct saved me from hitting my head.

The truck landed on the driver's side, leaving me trapped inside. I managed to find my purse in the backseat and called home to tell Mr. Stiles what happened. A very nice man stopped to help, he called 911 and stayed with me the entire time. A couple of other men stopped and together they helped me get out of the truck, climbing out the passenger side door.

I realize now that I was in shock. Most of the morning is a complete blur, I remember only bits and pieces. I felt no pain at first, except for my left hand. I can only assume I hit it on the driver door window, it was swollen and already starting to bruise within minutes.

We spent the rest of the day at the hospital. My back was very stiff and tender and both hands were now bruised. The doctors x-rayed my hands, no broken bones. Just a lot of soft tissue damage.

The truck was a total write-off. I was incredibly lucky.

Mrs. Stiles

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