California Dreamin'...

Yup, that's me....dreaming of California, Florida, or anywhere else that's warm these days.  Why?  Because our furnace up and died on us!  So now it's January/February, and we're trying to survive a Canadian winter WITH. NO. HEAT!!! 

It started to smell on the weekend, it's an oil furnace and the entire house smelled like oil when it would turn on (take my word for it, it's foul - not to mention dangerous).  My husband called the company who maintain our furnace on Monday and they came that evening.  The verdict:  not safe to use, not sure how much to repair.  He called us Tuesday morning with an ASTRONIMICAL repair quote - almost the price of a new furnace. 

So we figured if we had to spend that much to fix it AND our oil tank is due to be replaced (more $$), then maybe it makes sense to evaluate our options - and quickly cause, you know, it's cold here!

Jump forward to today (Wednesday) two with no heat.  We had someone come in to evaluate our home this afternoon and tell us what our options are - not a cheery or long list.  We opted to go with a heat pump - much more efficient and also provides cooling in the summer.  We're happy with the choice (if you can really call it that), but this surprise expense has us bummed (we're talking > $15k, just to give you an idea).

So I'll be adding a new 2012 Resolution to the list:  Start finding ways to reduce expenses!!!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cuddle with my honey to try and stay warm!

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